#19 Mindfulness Monday on a Tuesday
Season 1 Episode 19
On this episode of mindfulness Monday, on a Tuesday, I’m going to talk to you all about the importance of mentors and surrounding yourself with those that inspire you.
The card that I pulled today is from my Energy Oracle deck, and it is woman holding a heart. This card could be a reflection of your own state of peaceful emotion and receptivity for love, or it may be a message that your family issues are going to resolve. You are an intuitive woman who understands emotions of life and you’re bringing that awareness into all that you do. This card also indicates the presence of a teacher or confidant who is there to help with issues of love, family or emotion. This is an even tempered and caring person who resonates with you and your emotions.
This resonates very strongly with me, as I am in a season of massive growth with the grounded stylist and I have recently tapped into learning from several other female entrepreneurs, who have opened my eyes up even more to my limitless potential.
The affirmation for today is...I am emotionally, calm and peaceful, and I attract healthy and stable people to me
If this message resonates with you, please let me know, I will leave a link in the show notes to sign up for a one on one intuitive coaching call with me, as well as links to my website, YouTube and Pinterest
I’m super excited to be putting longer format stream of consciousness, videos on my YouTube channel and will link shorts through my Instagram to help guide you to my YouTube when I have a new video.
Thanks again for joining me and I hope you have an amazing week filled with love and light
I also would love to invite all of you to my sacred empowerment event in Portland, Oregon on May 6! This is a two-part event sent around helping you maintain balance and protect your peace behind the chair, which will help you cultivate your dream career in life. Include my protect, clear Inspire workshop Lunch with everyone and then a Reiki and energetic Master class followed by a healing circle facilitated by me.
**Link to my Mindfulness for Stylists Freebie: https://www.thegroundedstylist.com/pl/2148118205
**Here is the link to my Amazon store where you can find my favorite cards, modalities and more!
** 1:1 Intuitive Coaching https://www.thegroundedstylist.com/offers/2jLF5U2Y/checkout
**New episodes are every Monday for Mindfulness Monday's and with special guests every 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month
Love and Light,
Brooke Kenyon
IG: @thegroundedstylist
FaceBook: @thegroundedstylist